Cure GM1 Foundation Photo and Story Release

By voluntarily providing photos and media to Cure GM1, you hereby consent to any use, reproduction or publication of any photos/video/audio (or excerpts thereof) containing your image/likeness/voice by or on behalf of Cure GM1 Foundation (and its representatives) for any promotional, educational or general purposes related to Cure GM1 Foundation’s mission, including in websites, social media or other means. You hereby waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with such use, copying or publication, as well as any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by or on behalf of Cure GM1 Foundation (or its representatives), and you acknowledge and agree that neither Cure GM1 Foundation (nor its representatives) will have any obligation to seek further permission nor notify you before making use of such media or any excerpts of such media.

[text* FirstName class:form-control]
[text* LastName class:form-control]
[email* EmailAddress class:form-control]
[text* StreetAddress1 class:form-control]
[text StreetAddress2 class:form-control]
[text* City class:form-control]
[text* State class:form-control]
[text* PostalZipCode class:form-control]
[text* Country class:form-control]

Name of Subject in Photo

[text* PhotoFirstName class:form-control]
[text* PhotoLastName class:form-control]

I understand all of the above and am authorized as a parent or guardian to grant this permission.

[checkbox* Agreement “I Agree”]

Attach photographs

Total size of file attachments must no exceed more than 25mb.
If you want to send files larger than 25MB, please share it through Google Drive.

[file* FileUpload1 limit:5mb]
[file FileUpload2 limit:5mb]

[file FileUpload3 limit:5mb]
[file FileUpload4 limit:5mb]

[file FileUpload5 limit:5mb]

[textarea* YourStory class:form-control]
[submit class:btn “submit”]
Please click once and be patient. Submissions can take up to a minute!

Cure GM1 Foundation


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