Summer Fundraiser
Move for GM1 is a simple fundraiser that takes place in August. Those who participate log miles walking, running, biking–or anything else–using the Charity Miles App, then share their progress on social channels so others can donate. It’s an easy, fun way to make a difference advocating for those who have GM1 and raising money for Cure GM1. To accept donations, you can use either Charity Miles or our GiveButter Team Campaign! Both accept donations from the majority of countries!
it could not
be simpler
to participate
All you need to do is download the Charity Miles app, click the get sponsored button, and add a photo. Then, throughout August, whenever you are active during the day, log your miles in the app, then share your progress on your socials. Some of the people who see your updates will donate! Be sure to use the feature to ask for donations. You can join our GiveButter Team here or ask for donations using Charity Miles directly.
Hesitant to Participate?
No problem! Make a direct donation here. New this year, to support our cause, we also offer the option to create your own GiveButter campaign. Givebutter is a platform that collects donations from around the world. No matter what country you live in, your financial contribution propels vital research forward. It’s also possible to create your own link to collect donations on the Charity Miles app.

What’s in it For You
Aside from endorphins, exercise, and making a difference, the highest mileage earner in a day will get a free Cure GM1 t-shirt of their choice, and the top mileage earner overall will win two free tickets to any Disney park!
Check out
Charity Miles
To learn more about how to log your miles you can visit the Charity Miles website. You can also email for more information.

Wear a Move
for GM1
Wearing a Move for GM1 T-shirt while you get your miles in is a great way to show those around you what you’re moving for! And, using our free, printable sign of hope graphic to take a selfie is a great way to share online!
Why Participate
There is more research and more projects than Cure GM1 can currently fund. The cost of research and drug development is extremely high, but Cure GM1 can help seed projects and engage with others who will be able to fully fund clinical trials. Furthermore, patient groups and nonprofits like Cure GM1 contribute to newborn screening and many initiatives that can help improve the lives of people who are impacted by GM1.
How to support
move for cure gM1
can’t participate
If you’re unable to participate, there are still ways you can support Move for GM1. You can sponsor a participant or share this with someone you think would be interested in participating. Every little bit helps!
You can also visit our take action page for more ways to support Cure GM1. We need every kind of action and support!